NBI Group News

Long term objectives

Long term objectives

The main purpose of the NBI group is to develop a solid group of companies focused on the design, manufacture, and...

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NBI attended as exhibitor in bauma CONEXPO India 2023

NBI attended as exhibitor in bauma CONEXPO India 2023

El equipo de NBI, presentó del 31 de enero al 3 de febrero en Bauma CONEXPO, feria ubicada en el India Expo Centre  en Delhi,  las últimas novedades en diseño, softwares específicos y soluciones concretas de nuestros rodamientos enhanced+,(SRB, CRB, TRB, SPB, CRTB y CF) especialmente desarrollados para las aplicaciones específicas de nuestros clientes.

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20 years Anniversary NBI

20 years Anniversary NBI

Our journey has begun on June 13, 2002, and today, June 13, 2022, we have turned into an industrial group, the Grupo NBI.

Our goal is to be an authentic company, capable of attracting talent and creating an environment where people want to work. We have spent 2 decades in continuous growth and with a big focus on innovation. We are a company that has it clear that there are only two critical processes: listening to and understanding the needs of our customers, and supporting the sales team in a systematic and structured way. Customers are the reason for our existence.

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NBI Bearings Europe at the Bilbao Engineering School of the UPV/EHU

NBI Bearings Europe at the Bilbao Engineering School of the UPV/EHU

On the 4th of May, the application engineering department of NBI Bearings; together with the Bilbao School of Engineering, a faculty belonging to the UPV/EHU; gave several talks on basic knowledge of bearings to the students that are taking the Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering, as part of the subject ‘Machine Elements’, and to students that are taking the Degree in Mechanical Engineering, under the subject of ‘Machine Design.’

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New 400-ton press at the NBI Group stamping plant

New 400-ton press at the NBI Group stamping plant

Egikor, empresa dedicada a la estampación de piezas y montaje de conjuntos. que forma parte del Grupo NBI desde mayo de 2016 y en continua evolución e inversión, amplia maquinaria como plan de transformación y modernización de su planta de fabricación ubicada en Ermua.

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