NBI Group News

NBI attended as exhibitor in bauma CONEXPO India 2024

NBI attended as exhibitor in bauma CONEXPO India 2024

 The NBI Bearings team,  showed from 11 December to 14 December  at the India Expo Center (Delhi) the latest developments in design, specific software and concrete solutions of our Enhanced+ bearings, (SRB, CRB, TRB, SPB, CRTB and CF)

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NBI Bearings in Dungapur (India)

NBI Bearings in Dungapur (India)

On December 6, the NBI India sales team together with the application engineering team from Romania, gave a seminar in Durgapur (India) with an attendance of 120 participants, from 25 companies belonging to the main steel sector in the area.

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NBI industrial Oradea incorporates a new machining center in the Romanian plant

NBI industrial Oradea incorporates a new machining center in the Romanian plant

NBI industrial Oradea, a company that has been part of the NBI group since 2020, in continuous transformation and improvement, is committed to developing machining technology in vertical centers by incorporating a new Brother Speedio R650X1 Machining Center (SEIKI) with the aim of improving its production capacity and maintaining its competitive position in the industry.

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NBI Bearings Europe at the UPV/EHU’s Vitoria School of Engineering

NBI Bearings Europe at the UPV/EHU’s Vitoria School of Engineering

On March 25th, the Applications Engineering Department of NBI Bearings, together with the School of Engineering of Vitoria, a faculty belonging to the UPV/EHU, gave a talk on basic knowledge of bearings to students studying a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a double degree in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration as part of the subject ‘Machine Design’.

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Premium quality in NBI Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Premium quality in NBI Cylindrical Roller Bearings

NBI bearings continues with its line of evolution and improvement to meet the market needs. To that end, NBI develops premium quality Cylindrical Roller Bearings (CRB) Enhanced + for different applications and industrial solutions.

 NBI mantiene los mismos parámetros de fabricación de su ya conocida línea Enhanced+, en la gama de rodamientos de rodillos cilindricos (CRB), con beneficios superiores que mejoran la capacidad de carga dinámica y en consecuencia, aumenta la vida útil, reduce la fricción y la temperatura de funcionamiento y posibilita disminuir el tamaño y por lo tanto los costes generales.

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